Dear Friends
Welcome to our April newsletter.
I hope you are enjoying the early Easter holiday weekend and not eating too many eggs. With the clocks going forward last night by one-hour we enter daylight saving time here in the UK, hopefully we can now look forward with renewed optimism to brighter times and longer days, what a difference the sunshine makes to our health and general wellbeing.
On a personal note, lots of hard work and hours spent in the boatyard has enabled Ryan and I to launch the boat just in time for the Easter bank holiday. She’s back on the mooring fully serviced by Ryan, who incidentally is now a fully qualified marine engineer, look at that engine bay, he’s done a great job. So, we look forward to some new family adventures, the grandchildren are dead excited, two of the girls have already enjoyed their first picnic on board, it really is rewarding to get them out in the fresh air learning life skills.
Naturally there is still much business to be attended too as I look towards Asian art period in May and the anticipation of what I may discover from the private calls that are already in the diary, both home and abroad. The work life balance is quite easy for me, I am privileged to be able to enjoy my work equally as much as I love days out, in fact everyday can be an adventure in the world of Japanese works of art, you just never know what is around the next corner. Watch this space!!

In last months newsletter you may recall I offered these two large silver mounted cloisonne vases by the Ando company at a 50% discount exclusively to our readers. I was pleased to instantly find a new home in the UK for the buff-coloured vase, this just leaves the beautiful lilies vase to find a home before I list the offer on general sale, please don’t miss this opportunity, its stunning value!!!

Another item finding a new home in the UK was our delightful bronze okimono of a striding bear by Akasofu Gyokko, thank you to those returning clients.

At plate 11 of our Autumn 2023 exhibition catalogue we featured this sensational quality mixed metal incense burner fully artist signed by Yoshihisa, I am absolutely delighted to report that this remarkable tour de force of Meiji Period Metalwork is returning home to Japan some 140 years since its manufacture. It was difficult to convey the quality of this item on images alone, it was truly special, the carving on the bird finial was about as good as I have ever handled.

Last month I featured a special promotion on my three exhibition books“buy one get two free” with all proceeds being donated to the RSPCA.
Thank you those who took up this offer, I know many of you will already have my books, and I fully understand if they are not on your wish list, but I will just highlight the offer one last time to see if we can improve the donations to this amazing animal rescue charity. It is only £25 for all three exhibition books. Simply e-mail with your delivery address and I will ping you an invoice for payment. In order to maximise donations please add £10 towards UK delivery and £20 towards worldwide delivery. Thank you for your support.

As this month’s exclusive featured item, I am delighted to offer this most majestic powerful study of a hawk upon a polished wood base, the bronze bird fully signed by the highly regarded Maruki Company of Kyoto. For further information simply click the image.
Best wishes