Dear Friends
Welcome to our December newsletter.
I am probably in danger of repeating myself here, but I really cannot believe I am penning the last newsletter of 2024, what a rollercoaster year it has been, full of many high points on both a business and personal front. However, we must remain mindful that not all are as fortunate as us this Christmas, we need no further reminder of the continuing trauma unfolding around the globe, let us hope that world leaders can work together to deliver us into a more stable environment for 2025, and beyond.
As you read this letter I am travelling in the beautiful Yorkshire dales, combining a business trip with a few days much needed rest & relaxation, some long scenic walks, a little retail therapy, in antique shops of course, this together with some wholesome home cooked food will be just what is required to recharge these worn-out batteries, in fact the batteries turn another year older whilst I am away, here’s hoping I’ll be another year wiser upon my return.
Naturally, sales have slowed down a shade since the initial frenzy of my exhibition catalogue launch. Whereas, from a buying perspective I can honestly say I cannot recall a period in recent years where I have sourced such a diverse range of objects from around the globe. My continuous networking assisted by trusted contacts have led me as far afield as Japan, Australia and the USA, resulting in the acquisition of several outstanding quality objects, many of which are from long standing family collections.
I am really looking forward to further researching and curating some of these masterpieces as possible entries into the proposed 2025 exhibition catalogue, whilst also continuing to showcase a selection of the latest finds on the SSJA online gallery throughout next year.
During November a further selection of pieces were sold from the gallery, including the large, reticulated Satsuma Koro by Ryozan for the Yasuda company which found a new home with one of our charming Indian collectors. The pair of Masayuki mixed metal vases that recently returned to us from a USA client have now found their way into a European collection. I am also delighted to have sold the stunning gold wire Cloisonne enamel scent bottle by Namikawa Yasayuki, on this occasion remaining in the UK, apparently as a very generous Christmas gift for a special lady.

Once again, my sincere thanks to the above buyers for their continued support.
For this month’s exclusive members offer I am delighted to bring you this most charming Japanese dish by arguably the most coveted Satsuma artist of the Meiji Period, Yabu Meizan (1853-1934). This finely painted dish arrived last week in outstanding condition from a UK based collection, please forgive my amateur iPhone images, I left myself no time to track down our photographer Emma.

Note: In November 2021 a pair of this exact size and series of dish by Yabu Meizan sold at Bonhams London, for a premium inclusive £12,112. Simply click on the image above to view our dish and reveal the exclusive fixed price to our members.
Your purchase will also help vulnerable animals this Christmas with 10% of the sale price going direct to assist the incredible RSPCA charity.
Thank you for your consideration and support.
I simply cannot sign off the year without finishing last month’s story of Ryan taking 10-year-old daughter Liana on what proved to be a very successful inaugural fishing trip. If we turn back the clock some 20 plus years I can recall taking a similar aged son, Ryan, on his first night fishing trip aboard our family boat.
Picture the scene, pitch dark out at sea a mile or so south of the Dorset coast anchored upon a favourite fishing mark, a couple of my friends on board together with a few beers and some sarnies. Four lines now in the water in anticipation, including Ryans. A perfect tranquil evening was suddenly disturbed with a shout and a bit of a melee from the rear of the boat. My friend, Lawrence, proceeds to haul a huge Dogfish (member of the Shark family) over the stern, well, this prehistoric looking fish slides down the deck towards Ryan and I who are fishing at the forward seating positions. Instantly I turn to Ryan who looks somewhat shocked, he jumps up from the deck onto the helmsman seat and quickly proceeds to reel in his line and put down his rod, at which point he proclaims “Na, this night fishing lark isn’t for me”. 😊😊
I must leave to your imagination the stick that poor young lad received from the crew that evening. However, I am pleased to say that this traumatic experience clearly did not leave a long-lasting scar, in fact on the contrary, Ryan progressed to own his own boats from a very young age, learning critical skills that would stand him in good stead for what lay ahead.
He is now a first class mariner as well as a fully qualified marine engineer, spending his working days on shore in boatyards and marinas in the Solent area, as well as many hours at sea helping stricken mariners with all things boat related, (well, apart from the fishing 😊) I am really proud of what he has achieved, check out his reviews and give him a like on his social media pages at
Have a wonderful Christmas wherever you are in the world.
Best wishes