Very Fine Japanese Satsuma Plaque – Shuzan for Kinkozan

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As part of our Japanese works of art collection we are delighted to offer this outstanding quality Meiji Period (1868-1912) Satsuma plaque produced at the highly regarded Kinkozan studios of Kyoto, on this occasion dual artist signed by Shuzan for Kinkozan. The dish shaped plaque provides us with an important historical record of Japans “Daradara Matsuri” and “Shoga Matsuri” festivals, held in the grounds of the 1000 year old Shiba Daijingu Shrine, Tokyo. This is recognised as Japans longest festival lasting for 11 days, as such affectionately termed the sluggish festival. The plaque is hand painted in exquisite detail by Shuzan, a retained artist for Kinkozan, we witness outstanding workmanship throughout with multiple banners plotting the various scenes playing out during the celebration . One banner reads “Sanju yonen juunigatsu”December of the Meiji 34th year”, which suggests the date of the plaque to be 1901. A very fine historical record of life in Meiji Period Japan now recorded in outstanding detail by a highly respected artist painting at a famous studio.

Literature :

The banners translations as follows.

東 芝大神宮 Higashi Shiba Daijingu [Shiba Daijingu Shrine, Tokyo]

天照宮大神宮 Amaterasu no miya Daijingu [The Amaterasu shrine at the compound of Shiba Daijingu Shrine]

奉燈 Hoto (written on lanterns), which means “Votive lanterns”

芝区各町有志者 Shibaku kakumachi yushi sha [Volunteers from all towns in the Shiba district]

卅四年九月 Sanju yonen kugatsu [September of the (Meiji) 34th year] (1901 in Western Calendar)

卅四年十二月 Sanju yonen juunigatsu [December of the (Meiji) 34th year] (1901 in Western Calendar year)

町内会有志者 Chonaikai yushisha [Volunteers in Neighbourhood Association]

天下泰平 Tenka Taihei  [Peace and Prosperity (in the world)]

町内有志 Chonai yushi [Volunteers from Neighbourhood]

一天四海 Itten Shikai [“The Whole World” – one heaven and the seven seas]

本家煎餅 Honke senbei [The original rice cracker shop]

東京府 Tokyo-fu [Tokyo Metropolitan]

安泰 Antai [Peace and Tranquility]

来る十月二日大櫓式于時二十 “Kitaru jugatsu futsuka nijuji ni Ooyagura-shiki” [The Firefighters Demonstration Display Festival, at 20 (8pm) on the 2nd of October]

来月十月五日お祭 Omatsuri [15th of the next month/ October, Festival]

Provenance :

UK Collection.

Condition Report :

Fabulous throughout.

Approximate Sizes :

Diameter 10″ 25 cm

Free worldwide delivery and a certificate of authenticity included within the price of this item.

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